Everyone is a marketer in some way. From what a person posts on social media to how a company rolls out a multi-channel campaign, you can see marketing everywhere you turn — you just have to look for it. Meg Goodman, VP & Managing Director of Jacobs & Clevenger (J&C), explores all different forms of the craft with in-house experts and guests around the globe.
Retooling Your Marketing Strategy Amid the Pandemic with Michaelynn Rose
NOVEMBER 12TH, 2020 | 26:48 | S2E8
In the final episode of season two, Meg Goodman chats with Michaelynn Rose, the director of marketing for Bernina. They talk about marketing on both the client and agency side of the table, how Bernina used education to reignite interest in sewing during the pandemic, and how direct mail is still an effective method of marketing with innovations like hyperpersonalization and digital printing.
Marketing Beyond the Box with Jason Baumann
SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2020 | 38:42 | S2E7
Meg chats with Jason Baumann, serial entrepreneur, non-profit alum, and President/Founder of digital marketing company Boxless Media. Together, they talk about retooling marketing plans amid the pandemic, leading with compassion, and how failure doesn't define you... it's the way you get back up again that does.
Marketing in Sports with Bulls Equipment Manager Steve Pankow
AUGUST 13TH, 2020 | 21:49 | S2E6
Meg Goodman chats with equipment manager for the Chicago Bulls, Steve Pankow. They take a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like to work with a professional sports team and talk about how to find a career that aligns with your interests, rather than your degree.
SEO in Google's Perfect World with Geoff Atkinson
JULY 30TH, 2020 | 21:46 | S2E5
When optimizing a website for SEO, brands often forget the biggest user they are trying to optimize for... Google. Creating a website that Google bots can work with and understand is the most important part of SEO. In this episode, Huckabuy founder Geoff Atkinson explains why no website can maximize traffic until they optimize for Google.
Start-Up Marketing for Students with Manu Edakara
JUNE 18TH, 2020 | 24:41 | S2E4
College is the perfect time to try new things. Some students join a new club... others start their own companies. Programs like the iVenture Accelerator at the University of Illinois help students test their product, create a marketing campaign, and gather investors. In this episode, iVenture's associate director Manu Edakara and J&C's Meg Goodman discuss how programs like his help students market their start-ups to potential investors.
Conversion Rate Optimization with Kurt Philip
MAY 14TH, 2020 | 20:46 | S2E3
Cross-channel consistency, target segmentation and split testing are all part of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). In this episode, Meg Goodman speaks with CRO expert Kurt Philip about his company, Convertica. They discuss running online advertisements efficiently and creating a remote workforce during quarantine.
Smart Online Marketing with Tom Libelt
APRIL 23RD, 2020 | 27:40 | S2E2
Marketing an online brand is much different from marketing a brick-and-mortar business. On this episode of J&See, Meg Goodman talks with marketer Tom Libelt to find out how to position your brand in the world of online marketing. Tom discusses his complex journey to becoming one of the leading SEO experts for selling online courses. Tom and his company, Smart Brand Marketing, offer SEO services to other niche brands looking to gain an online presence.
Creating Togetherness Between Sales & Marketing with Jeff Davis
MARCH 19TH, 2020 | 28:21 | S2E1
Misalignment is a problem across ALL industries. In the first episode of season 2, Meg Goodman talks to alignment expert Jeff Davis. They chat about finding the common ground between sales and marketing, adapting sales tactics for the 21st century and the future of B2B. Jeff's book, "Create Togetherness: Transform Sales and Marketing to Exceed Modern Buyers' Expectations and Increase Revenue," is available on Amazon.
The World of SEO with Grant Simmons
NOVEMBER 27TH, 2019 | 29:33 | S1E7
In this episode, Meg chats with digital marketing expert Grant Simmons about SEO, SEM and beyond. Grant talks about how to earn that first click on Google, how start-ups can stand out in search engines and how to thoughtfully use social media channel to speak to your audience where they are.
Omnichannel Marketing in the Digital Revolution with Danny Flamberg
OCTOBER 29TH, 2019 | 24:08 | S1E6
Danny Flamberg, marketing consultant and author of "Dancing Through the Digital Revolution: A Marketing Playbook", answers Meg's questions about digital strategy. He talks about the balance of personalization versus privacy, how data is more than a magic word and the impact of AI on our future (hint: beware the robot apocalypse).
Nonprofit Marketing with Brooke Wiseman of Blessings in a Backpack
SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2019 | 32:14 | S1E5
A nonprofit doesn't have the same marketing budget as a major company — but it still needs to create effective campaigns in order to achieve its mission. Meg talks to Brooke Wiseman, CEO of Blessings in a Backpack, a charity that provides food on the weekends for children who need it. Brooke and Meg chat about how nonprofits can make the most of limited resources through corporate partnerships, volunteer evangelists, social media and more.
How to Market Yourself with Michelle Barnard
AUGUST 23RD, 2019 | 28:04 | S1E4
Marketing isn't limited to brands and agencies. In fact, it can be as simple as a resume sent to your dream company. In order to snag that job, you'll have to sell them on one product: YOU. In this episode, Meg sits down with career coach and recruiter Michelle Barnard to discuss how you can successfully market yourself to potential employers.
The Evolution of Radio Marketing with Mark Long
JULY 16TH, 2019 | 42:50 | S1E3
In recent years, one of the oldest forms of media has undergone a complete digital transformation. Radio has evolved in the age of apps, AI and podcasting. Meg Goodman talks to Mark Long, production director for Townsquare Media in Boise, about the enduring reach of radio, the importance of local brands and the resounding power of a single sense — sound.
How to Reach Women Through Marketing with Patti Minglin
JUNE 14TH, 2019 | 52:10 | S1E2
While women make up half the population, they influence 80% of purchasing decisions across all categories. So why do marketers often treat women as a niche group? Meg talks to "accidental entrepreneur" Patti Minglin, the CEO and founder of Go Girl Communications, to find out why reaching women through marketing matters, the mistakes marketers often make and the importance of women in leadership positions.
Starting an Agency, Storytelling and AI with Ron Jacobs
MAY 15TH, 2019 | 49:10 | S1E1
Meg Goodman talks to Ron Jacobs, founder and CEO of Jacobs & Clevenger (J&C) and co-author of the best-selling book "Successful Direct Marketing Methods." Together, they discuss the state of marketing today from storytelling and behavioral economics to AI and smart speakers.
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