Direct Mail Best Practices

Free eBook: Direct Mail Best Practices

Apply proven best practices and optimization techniques to ensure success and maximum performance. 

Direct marketing is as much science as it is art. Many marketers aren’t optimizing their efforts to their fullest potential or employing direct marketing best practices.  

It delivers a high level of personalization that today’s prospects and customers demand. Plus, it provides proven response triggers that drive the target into action, and it’s the right medium for telling an information-rich story in a compelling way.
This free ebook Direct Mail Best Practices is based on techniques tested across millions of engagement efforts in a variety of industries.

Featured in this eBook:

  • The top 10 best practices that impact performance and results
  • Guidance on how much information should be incorporated into lead generation versus acquisition collateral
  • Examples of best practices in action
  • Tips on how to create content that generates action
  • Techniques on how personalization can be leveraged to drive response

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