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Mobile wallets are a payment threat for financial institutions

Mobile, Financial Services, Email Marketing July 15, 2014

Consumers want mobile payments. Mobile wallet usage has been rising steadily among consumers. For many, it's more convenient than having to use cash or even a credit or debit card. Gartner estimates that mobile payment volume will nearly triple in the next three years.1 A mobile wallet lets a consumer choose between payment methods on the fly and the ability to control all of their payments through a single device. Banks and financial institutions’ marketing teams that want to take advantage of mobile payments and the mobile wallet trend will need to act fast to capture this growing segment of the market.


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Consumers want more from their bank

Financial Services July 3, 2014

Traditional banking services are not enough to hold the attention of today's customers. In order to keep up with evolving consumer preferences and desires, banks need to be prepared to offer consumers value-added content. Additionally, consumers have a growing interest in receiving financial advice from their financial institution. Bank marketers must also encourage consumers to take advantage of these new services and information through effective adoption strategies and content marketing.


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Bank marketing trends that can’t be ignored

Financial Services July 1, 2014

The banking and financial services industry continues to go through significant change. Consumers have more and more options outside their financial institutions every day. Internet giants like Google are now competing in the mobile wallet arena. And customers are demanding more and more cohesion across all the channels they use to bank.


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Banks turn payment trends into an opportunity, not a threat

Financial Services June 25, 2014

Payment options and payment trends are critical topics and threats for many financial institutions’ revenue streams today. As technology continues to provide consumers with more payment options, financial institutions need to reconsider their offerings and drive engagement with current customers. Mobile wallets are getting a lot of media attention and are just one of the many payment trends that consumers now have as an option. As payment trends are consistently changing and growing, it is arguable that consumer demands are also on the increase, with a desire for greater convenience, speed and security.


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Content marketing is a big idea for banks and financial institutions

Content Marketing, Financial Services June 11, 2014

Many banks, financial institutions and other financial service companies are faced with the challenge of building their brand. They are working to create differentiation in a market that is often commoditized in the customer’s mind. Financial institutions are challenged with creating more transactions and growing revenue, as well as diversifying their product portfolios, and ensuring their institution is offering and supporting current channels for banking and bill pay.


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