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Email marketing insights and insanity

Email Marketing January 22, 2015

“We can measure anything.” That’s the mantra when it comes to email marketing. And it’s true.

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6 Techniques to Enhance Mobile Optimized Emails

Digital Marketing, Email Marketing January 7, 2015

Email marketing is one of the more successful channels for communicating with consumers. With over 91% of consumers using email at least once a day,1 and with an average return of $44.25 for every $1 spent on email marketing,2 it makes sense to target consumers through their digital inbox. But it's not enough to just send an email blast out to a targeted list. With over 51% of email opens occurring on a mobile device,3 it is important to develop mobile optimized emails.


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Email marketing performance stats and benchmarks

Email Marketing October 29, 2014

Email performance is generally equated to open, click-through and conversion rates. While some sources have reported a decline in the basic engagement metrics, it appears that email is trending toward great productivity among those users that do engage. Revenue per email, return on investment and other performance metrics show promise with upward trends. Here are 6 email facts and associated insights that can serve as benchmarks and direction for email marketing efforts.

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6 ways utilities should use email

Utility Industry, Email Marketing September 23, 2014

Email is a growing tactic being used by marketers in all industries. If you take the time to look into email marketing facts, you will find that this form of marketing is rapidly growing, with millions of people checking their email each day and a recent HubSpot survey stating that over 50% of respondents report reading most of
their email.1 Utilizing email marketing allows utilities to effectively and efficiently reach a huge captive audience of potential customers. The most important thing to remember is that email can be used in many different ways and can achieve many different goals.


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Is Email Replacing Direct Mail?

Email Marketing September 4, 2014

Many have hypothesized that email will replace direct mail. When you think about the best ways to develop and maintain communication channels with prospects and customers, what comes to mind? With the Internet being such a vital part of life and work for many, developing a successful email marketing plan is one of the top go-to tactics for many marketers. However, even a successful email marketing plan is only one part of the full marketing picture. For many firms, a multichannel marketing approach is the best way to get those amazing results you desire.


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Why purchasing email lists is a bad idea

Email Marketing August 28, 2014

Successful email marketing is a goal for many companies. It is easy to see why email marketing is ramping up, with over 70% of mobile purchasing decisions being influenced by promotional emails.1 In order to achieve successful email marketing, it is necessary to have an email list
with a large number of prospective customers in the right target market. However, according to HubSpot, only 27% of marketers bought an email list this year.2

Although it might be tempting to buy a ready-made list of email addresses, purchasing email lists is generally a bad idea. The following is a list of potential problems that can be caused by purchasing email lists.

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Email worst practices: 7 common errors to avoid

Email Marketing August 21, 2014

This morning my inbox was packed. It seemed that all of humanity was urgently trying to reach me.


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Three important metrics to help you decide how many emails are too many

Email Marketing August 12, 2014

One of the biggest topics marketers wrestle with is how many emails are too many. Successful email marketing is a balancing act. You must create interesting and useful content, and communicate with your audience often enough to generate engagement, but not too often. One of the most important things to determine in any email marketing plan is the frequency of email. The most successful email marketing campaigns find the perfect balance—contacting potential users often enough that your brand and message are familiar, but not so often that users tune out or are driven away.

Metrics are a useful guide to determine how many emails are too many. The following three metrics are vital in helping you determine just the right frequency for an email marketing initiative.

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Mobile wallets are a payment threat for financial institutions

Mobile, Financial Services, Email Marketing July 15, 2014

Consumers want mobile payments. Mobile wallet usage has been rising steadily among consumers. For many, it's more convenient than having to use cash or even a credit or debit card. Gartner estimates that mobile payment volume will nearly triple in the next three years.1 A mobile wallet lets a consumer choose between payment methods on the fly and the ability to control all of their payments through a single device. Banks and financial institutions’ marketing teams that want to take advantage of mobile payments and the mobile wallet trend will need to act fast to capture this growing segment of the market.


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Email Marketing Stats That Have A Direct Impact On ROI

Email Marketing July 10, 2014

A successful marketing campaign is often measured in terms of the return-on-investment (ROI) it yields. Although digital marketing has expanded into a wide range of channels, the most successful channel still tends to be email marketing.


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