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Treat Everyone Like A New Customer

Behavioral Economics June 1, 2020

A new normal means new purchasing behaviors

It’s no secret, brick-and-mortar stores are taking a beating right now. And the longer “shelter in place” continues, the more consumers’ real-world buying habits will shift to e-commerce... delivery services... and curbside pick-up. So how will consumers behave when they actually start shopping in stores again?

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Use Direct Mail and Get Inside the Reader's Head

Behavioral Economics, Direct Mail May 29, 2020

Converting leads has proven to be a major challenge for marketers during the COVID-19 crisis.

Well, here’s a solution that could help with this dilemma — direct mail.

Direct mail is having a moment right now.

In fact, the USPS "COVID Mail Attitudes" report shows that 65% of those surveyed said that getting mail actually puts them in a better mood. And 54% said direct mail made them feel more connected.

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