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Generate social buzz with influencers

Posted by Kim Schick on July 10, 2013

It is no longer unusual for companies to be on social platforms to connect with online communities. Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) is a rapidly growing tool to continue business growth. Several active companies are using social to introduce products and ideas, contribute to industry-related conversations and communicate with customers. It is fairly simple to be involved, but more challenging to gain viral attention.

The J&C 2013 Marketing Trends Study indicates that 62% of marketers are expanding their social media budget for 2013. Gaining maximum exposure with those marketing dollars is essential to renew a social budget and build a successful SCRM platform. The luxury of social marketing is that you are not alone. There are thousands of social influencers that can help you build up your company exposure online.

There are two critical areas of focus to generate social buzz. Regardless of B2B or B2C industries, companies must leverage existing assets and create an outlet for two-way conversations.

How do I leverage existing assets?

The key to leveraging existing assets is to find influencers among your current network. It may not be easily recognized, but your network is likely larger than you realize. There are a lot of people you can tap to spread content. Your existing network consists of customers, clients, vendors, employees, press and industry leaders. After analyzing your network, look for active influencers to share your content with. It is most useful to have a variety of social influencers across social networks, including Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube, etc.

You are tasked with finding influencers. It is not as difficult as one may think. Look at your network and find people, groups or companies that have a great deal of followers, comments and discussions. A person becomes an influencer through repetitive constructive interactions with their social community. Social influencers are essentially a credible source for information and trusted by their readers. You want to tap into the influence they manifest by sending them information that they will benefit from sharing. The information they benefit from is fresh new content that their readers will find value in. Influencers can also be urged to help through incentive. It is not uncommon to offer up free products or an in-kind negotiation. The fact is that influencers are looking for great new content to keep their community engaged. It is important to present information that is in demand and creatively showcased in a manner that allows viewers to easily contribute comments.

How do I create an outlet for two-way conversation?

Once you find those influencers, make it easy for them to influence others. This is all about finding or creating an environment for conversation. An environment can be created through a blog, social community site, online press comments, etc. Companies can also create a webpage for reviews and ratings that will create user-generated content. A simple way to start connecting with influencers is to find a credible influencer and join their conversations. Introduce yourself so that they recognize your product or service attributes. That in itself may spark the influencer to write about you. After establishing a relationship they will likely buy in to your ideas and you will have more opportunity to be a topic of conversation for that influencer.

One of the most beneficial results of connecting with your community through social is the ability to listen to what everyone is saying. Listening can ignite new ideas and open up improvement opportunities for products and services. There is no filter online. Every conversation is not going to be positive, but some of them will be like gold in a sense that you can evolve your business by adapting your product or service through listening online to customers and giving them what they want.

social buzz

Engaging in social media is the best way to improve SCRM. Leveraging social influencers is the most opportunistic way to generate buzz online. Creating buzz online will increase SCRM abilities by driving more traffic to your website, gaining more credibility and creating a larger pool of potential leads. Ultimately, consistent engagement online and creating buzz-worthy content will provide more leads to nurture but also fulfill ongoing SCRM growth and development.

If you want to discuss more proven ways to develop a successful social media marketing program, please contact J&C.

Transforming your B2B social media efforts into a social CRM strategy

Topics: Social Media Marketing

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